Hyunbeon Nam, STREETFSN
What do you look for when you’re taking pictures outside the shows?
I like a good combination and seeing the personality.
And how about your own style?
I love to dress well-dressed. I am a photographer so I want to describe myself like a photographer so I wear a little vintage style. Because I’m a photographer (laughs) I prefer many pockets and a backpack, and some military colors.
What shoes are you wearing right now?
I bought these loafers in New York, in a vintage store, they were $100. My pants are Gap, and my backpack is Club Monaco.
What sort of camera do you use?
I use a Canon 1DS Mark III, and the lens is 72/200 point focus.
What’s your favorite place to take photos?
I love shooting menswear so I love to go to Pitti Uomo. Paris is very stylish. I can see a lot of personality in style and people trying something new, so that’s interesting.
Check out Isaac’s previous 5 Questions For… installment with Style.com news editor Matthew Schneier here.